About Us

Tuesday, April 12, 05:00 am

I'm Halem - Originally a fashion designer, after working for fashion brands, I realized that the market for bags, wallets and women's accessories is very interested and preferred. . I made the big decision that I would quit my job and start my own business journey of selling handbags designed by me, and that's when WoveBee was born with the symbol of bees holding bees bag to collect honey to feed the nest. Wovebee is a store specializing in providing products for bags, wallets.. and further forward Wovebee will become a shopping paradise for women.


We always aspire to one day make bags available to everyone in the world. Create a completely new fashion style for the future fashion market. To do that, we need the support of our customers to come to our store.


Halem- Founder WoveBee!

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